What else could a man over seventy do?:七十老翁何所求?

When a person is rolling, he cannot possibly turn inward to see himself, or
turn outward to see others. Thus he no longer needs to glorify the internal
and belittle the external. He can remain independent without turning his back
on others. He can even move across the ground without being seen. The di-
fferences between self and surroundings become blurred at the momeent when the
body and soul merge into one. Isn't that a wonder! Isn't that a blessing!

When one was lost, ten thousand stampeded.:一人失利,萬人奔潰。

When the cock crowed the third time, the star of the valiant soldier fell
from the sky.

When the prize is high, people will be brave.:重賞之下,必有勇夫。

When you are young, be careful about your lust. When you are mature, beware
of your contention.

With only four walls standing by themslves.:家徒四壁。

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