
I suggest that in returning verdicts to those cases it is better to rule
against the younger brother rather than the older brother, against the nephew
rather than the uncle, against the rich rather than the poor, and against the
stubbornly cunnung rather than against the clumsily honest. if the case invol-
ves a property dispute it is better to rule against the member of gentry ra-
ther than the commoner so as to provide relief to the weaker side. But if the
case has to do with courtesy and status,it is better to rule against the com-
moner rather than against the gentry; the purpose is to maintain our order and

Confucian Instructor:儒學教授
message-relaying station:驛站
Supreme Commander:總督(governors-general對照中文也是總督,哪個翻譯才對啊?)

By nature I always prefer simplicity to ostentation. Your courtesy extended
to my party and myself must be modest - that includes foods and lodging.
Nothing should be excessively extravagant, since every item has to be contri-
buted by local communities.

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