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What else could a man over seventy do?:七十老翁何所求?

When a person is rolling, he cannot possibly turn inward to see himself, or
turn outward to see others. Thus he no longer needs to glorify the internal
and belittle the external. He can remain independent without turning his back

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Venerate heaven and to follow the precedents established by his ancestors.

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The best way to keep your bad deeds from the knowledge of others is not to
commit them in the first place.

The caused has written mant bookas, which should benefit the propagation of

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Seemingly came from his diaphgram.:發自丹田。

Several servants assigned to make brooms could not keep up.:數人縛帚不給。

Someone's talents did not measure up to his/her ambition.:志大才疏。

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Penetrate the sky.:上薄雲天。

Petty household affairs such as food budget should be made the object of
laughter at the palace.

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Odorless and soundless:無聲無臭。

One time Yen Shan-nung was giving a public lecture. In the middle of the se-
ssion he suddenly fell to the ground, rolled over and over, and shouted, "Wa-
tch, my innate knowledge is at work!" To this day his friends think that this

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Not to do to others what you do not wish done to yourself.:己所不欲,勿施於人

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Man's inclination toward goodness is like the tendency of water to flow
downward. There is nothing but goodness, just as water always flows downward.

Merely to provide something for the virtuous men to rely upon and the evil-

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Li Chih has moved to T'ung-chou, less than twenty miles from the capital. If
he should enter the capital, he would mislead and poison the urban population
as he did in Ma-ch'eng.

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I am not dying this year and may not even die next year. Waiting for death
year in and year out, I am growing restless. While death does not come, woes
are approching. Yet those woes are not approching fast enough!

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Harsh, obdurate, and lacked compassion.:心惑,苛斷,情偏。

His head is moving in one direction and his tail in anthor.:首尾兩端。

His suggestion for cruel punishment contradicts our sense of good govern-

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Good government could be maintained while the ruler did nothing.:無為而治。

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Endlessly involved in banditry and prostitution.:男盜女娼,十代不止。

Entering into the burning pyre in order to reach the gateway of soothing

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Deceiving the emperor and preying upon the nation.:欺君蠹國。

Do all the work and bear all the criticisms.:任勞任怨。

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Can the ruler himself neglect the principle of propriety?:為人君者,可不敬哉

Chew their tongues in disgrace.:嚼舌愧死。

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Benevolence and righteousness became the yang and the accumulation of wealth
and scrambling for rank the yin.

Buddhism, after all, is not supposed to be tought to a medicore crowed, nor

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"A cleavage between the top and the bottom," which, he went to explain,
meant " the separation of the interior from the exterior." "Never since an-
cient times," he continued, "has a state under these conditions managed to re-
main in peace and order for long."

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A young lady who was worth one thousand ounces of silver:千金姬
Evengreen shurbs:萬年青草
Ferry boat festival that fell on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month
Heavenly principles:天理

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A Fool's Foolish Draft:愚愚稿
A Pardon Granted on the Hua Mountain:華岳賜環記
Book of Changes:易經
Collected Institutes:大明會典
Four Books:四書

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Altar of Earth:先農壇
Gate of Brightening Adminstration:宣治門
Gate of Great Brilliance:大明門
Gate of Polar Convergence:會極門
Hall of Buddha in Fragrant Iris:芝佛院

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